SIS Login - School Information System (SIS) - (
School Information System. --- LIVE ---. ACCOUNT LOGIN SIS TAMISEMI: Head of School (Mkuu wa Shule) Log in And Use the System, TAMISEMI BEMS School Information System (SIS)How to Login/Register For Head of School (Mkuu Wa Shule), sis tamisemi, SIS – THE SCHOOL INFORMATION SYSTEM, SIS Tanzania | PO-RALG, How To Log In And Use SIS System
The School Information System (SIS) is a system used to collect school information and manage school operations and management.
This SIS system is used to increase efficiency in the provision of primary education services starting from the school, county, council and region levels.
Users of this system are employees who are teachers and those who are not teachers at the school level, the education officer at the ward level, the education department at the council level, the education department at the regional level, ministries and development stakeholders.
This system is available in the following ways: -
1. Mobile APP called SIS Tanzania which is available on Playstore (Android).
2. WEB which is available at the following address SIS Tanzania.

A: Head of the School (SIS - Mkuu wa Shule)
After the Head of the School is registered with the IT Officer of the Council, the following are his duties: -
1. Register and manage users at the school level.
2. Assigning roles to users
3. Making currents
4. Assigning teachers to classes.
5. Organizing teachers for Lessons
6. Lessons for Classes
The Head of the school will be able to perform all duties after the account has been created by the IT Officer of the Council
B: Class Teacher (SIS - Mwalimu wa Darasa)
After the Class Teacher is registered and assigned duties by the Head of School, the following are his/her duties: -
i. To check and review the list of students in the assigned class.
ii. Sorting students into streams created by the Principal and assigned to him.
iv. Take attendance of students.
A: How to log into the system
After registering with the Council's IT Officer, start by opening your browser on a computer that is connected to the internet. The browser can be Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
Then write the following address
i. Start by entering the "Username" and "Password" created by the IT Officer of the COUNCIL
ii. Then Click the button labeled "LOG IN" so you can log in to the system.
Once the system opens for the first time, a page will appear asking you to change the password. Write the password (Default Password) which is secret, then write a new password and check it.
After that Save your information. The system will log you out and ask you to log in again, enter your email address and new password and then click the button labeled log in.
Once the system is opened for the first time this will be the first page showing the menus to be operated by the Head of School.
Heads of School Click Here
Class Teacher Click Here