Present Perfect Continuous Tense: Meaning, Uses & Examples + Exercises

Present Perfect Continuous Tense: Meaning, Uses & Examples + Exercises

TENSE: Present Perfect Continuous Tense

The Present Perfect Continuous uses two auxiliary verbs together with a main verb.

In this lesson we look at the structure and use of the Present Perfect Continuous tense, as well as the use of for and since, followed by a quiz to check your understanding.

Note that continuous tenses are also called progressive tenses. So the Present Perfect Continuous tense is sometimes called the Present Perfect Progressive tense.

How do we make the Present Perfect Continuous tense?

The structure of the Present Perfect Continuous tense is:

subject+auxiliary have+auxiliary be+main verb
  conjugated in Present Simple past participle  
have, hasbeenpresent participle

The first auxiliary (have) is conjugated in the Present Simple: have, has

The second auxiliary (be) is invariable in past participle form: been

The main verb is invariable in present participle form: -ing

For negative sentences we insert not after the first auxiliary verb.

For question sentences, we exchange the subject and first auxiliary verb.

Look at these example sentences with the Present Perfect Continuous tense:

 subjectauxiliary verb auxiliary verbmain verb 
+Ihave beenwaitingfor one hour.
+Youhave beentalkingtoo much.
?Haveyou beenseeingher?
?Havethey beendoingtheir homework?

Contraction with Present Perfect Continuous

When we use the Present Perfect Continuous tense in speaking, we often contract the subject and the first auxiliary verb. We also sometimes do this in informal writing.

I have beenI've been
You have beenYou've been
He has been
She has been
It has been
John has been
The car has been
He's been
She's been
It's been
John's been
The car's been
We have beenWe've been
They have beenThey've been
  • I've been reading.
  • Jenny's been helping us recently.

In negative sentences, we may contract the first auxiliary verb and "not":

  • I haven't been playing tennis.
  • It hasn't been snowing.

How do we use the Present Perfect Continuous tense?

This tense is called the Present Perfect Continuous tense. There is usually a connection with the present or now.

We use the Present Perfect Continuous to talk about:

past action recently-stopped

past action still-continuing

Present Perfect Continuous for past action just stopped

We use the Present Perfect Continuous tense to talk about action that started in the past and stopped recently. There is usually a result now.

I'm tired because I've been running.
Recent actionResult now 

I'm tired [now] because I've been running.

Why is the grass wet [now]Has it been raining?

You don't understand [now] because you haven't been listening.

Present Perfect Continuous for past action continuing now

We use the Present Perfect Continuous tense to talk about action that started in the past and is continuing now. This is often used with for or since.

have been reading for 2 hours.
Action started in past.Action is continuing now. 

have been reading for 2 hours. (I am still reading now.)

We've been studying since 9 o'clock. (We're still studying now.)

How long have you been learning English? (You are still learning now.)

We have not been smoking. (And we are not smoking now.)

For and Since with Present Perfect Continuous tense

We often use for and since with perfect tenses:

  • We use for to talk about a period of time: three hours, two months, one decade
  • We use since to talk about a point in past time: 9 o'clock, 1st January, Monday
a period of timea point in past time
- - - - - - - - - - - -- • - - - - - - - - - -
30 minutes10.00am
four daysFriday
3 monthsMarch
2 years2010
3 centuries1700
agesI left school
everthe beginning of time

Look at these example sentences using for and since with the Present Perfect Continuous tense:

I have been studying for three hours.

I have been watching TV since 7pm.

Tara hasn't been feeling well for two weeks.

Tara hasn't been visiting us since March.

He has been playing football for a long time.

He has been living in Bangkok since he left school.

Present Perfect Continuous Quiz

You can do this grammar quiz. It tests what you learned on the Present Perfect Continuous page.

1. It has _____ snowing a lot this week.


2. _____ your brother and sister been getting along?


3. Rick _____ been studying hard this semester.


4. I'm tired because I _____ been working out.


5. Julie ________ living in Italy since May.

 has being
 is been
 has been


6. Did you know he's been teaching German _____ fifteen years?


7. We have been watching TV _____ we had dinner.


8. He has ________ too hard today.

 been working

9. Has it _____ raining since you arrived?


10. My brother has been travelling _____ two months.

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