Coordination - Biology Practical Questions And Answers
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Until 2008, NECTA biology practicals contained three questions. Question 1 was required, and was a food test. Students then chose to answer either question 2 or question 3.
One of these questions was usually classification. The format changed in 2008. Now, the practical contains two questions, and both are required.
Food tests and classification remain the most common questions, but sometimes only one of these two topics is on a given exam.
The second question may cover one of a variety of topics, including respiration, transport, coordination, photosynthesis, and movement.
Each question is worth 25 marks.
Common Practicals
<> Food test: students must test a solution for starch, sugars, fats, and protein
<> Classification: students must name and classify specimens, then answer questions about their characteristics
<> Respiration: students use lime water to test air from the lungs for carbon dioxide
<> Transport: students investigate osmosis by placing leaf petioles or pieces of raw potato in solutions of different solute concentrations
<> Photosynthesis: students test a variegated leaf for starch to prove that chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis
<>Coordination: students look at themselves in the mirror and answer questions about the sense organs they see
Note: These are the most common practicals, but they are not necessarily the only practicals that can occur on the national exam. Biology practicals frequently change, and it is possible that a given exam will contain a new kind of question. Look through past NECTA practicals yourself to get an idea of the kind of questions that can occur
Coordination: Coordination Biology Practical Questions And Answers
Practical 01
You are predicted with a looking mirror open your mouth widely and look at your mouth on the mirror then answer the following questions
- What sense organ did you observe?
- What sense is it perceived
- Draw and label the sense organ showing different regions of state
- The sense Organ is TONGUE
- The fumet ion is used for TASTING
The diagram
Practical 02
Look at your image of right eye and then answer the following questions i) What structures responsible with
- Protection from physical injury
- Protection from dust particles
- Control amount of light entering the eye
- Draw and label your right eye as you see it on a looking mirror.
Structures are
- Upper eyelid
- Eye lushes
- Iris
Practical 03
You have been provided with cotton wool soaked, in methylated spirit. Rub it at the back of the palm of your hand.
1. What sensation do you feel on the rubbed part?
2. Explain what happened to the superficial blood vessels miler the rubbed part in response to the sensation experienced
3. In nature what process brings about the same sensation as that experienced in (i) above in human being
4. What biological significance of the process in (iii) above
5. State two ways by which an animal is capable of regulation body temperature when it is above normal
- Coldness sensation
- Blood needs contrast (This is due to prevent more heat loss)
- Sweating
To regulate the body temperature
(a) Sweating
(b) Vasodilatation
Practical 04
Look at your body observe the structure you can see on your body
Name the sense organ that occurs through the whole body
What are the functions of the sense organ you have named in (a) above
- The sense Organ is SKIN
- The functions of skin
- Used to cover the body' prevention from pathogen
- Used in excretion