Trade refers to the exchange of goods and services or the buying and selling of goods and services. Trade emerged in pre colonial Africa because no single society could produce all the goods it needed; societies produced those goods that they could produce and obtain those they could not produce through trade. There various trading activities in Africa before its contact with the colonialists.
There were various types of trade in pre colonial Africa; these were the local trade and long distance trade. Local trade was the type of trade that was conducted within a given community. The long distance trade was that type of trade that took place between two or more regions.
This was that type of trade that took place between the interior and the coastal people in east Africa. The main participants were the Baganda, Kamba, Yao and Nyamwezi from the interior and the Arabs and Swahili traders from the coast. The main types of goods that were exchanged were ivory and slaves from the interior and guns, clothes and beads from the cost.
Impacts of the long distance trade in East Africa
Formation of states.
The long distance trade contributed to the formation of states such as Karagwe and Buganda. The trade introduced guns that facilitated conquest and expansion thus forming states. The chiefs who took part in the long distance trade acquired wealth that facilitated the formation of states.
Development of towns.
The long distance trade contributed to the development of towns such as Bagamoyo, ujiji and Tabora. These centers used to act as trading centers were the exchange of goods especially slaves took place. These centers gradually turned into towns because they attracted large numbers of people.
Introduction of Islam.
It led to the introduction and spread of Islam in the interior of east Africa. The Arabs who came from the coast spread this religion. Islam up to now has a strong influence along the coast of east Africa were many people became Muslims, the way of eating and dressing depicts the ways of life of the Muslims.
Development of the Kiswahili language.
The long distance trade contributed to the development of Kiswahili language. The language has some Arabic words that are developed it. Kiswahili came to be the language used by the merchants over large areas of east Africa. The influence of Kiswahili in east Africa has widely grown; it is the national language of Tanzania.
Opening of East Africa to the outside world.
The long distance trade opened the interior of east African to the outside world. The people of east Africa supplied products that were needed outside, example slaves and gold received products from outside east Africa, example guns and clothes. The incorporation of east African to the outside world contributed to its under development.
Increased influx of foreigners in Africa.
The long distance trade led to the increased influx of foreigners such as the Arabs and Europeans. All these were rushing to east Africa to take part in the trade. It was nothing than that; these Europeans contributed to the colonization of Africa.
The long distance trade brought the Arabs to the coast of East Africa who intermarried with the Africans to produce mulattoes.
The participants became rich.
Those who participated in the long distance trade became very rich especially African chiefs. Chiefs like Tippu Tip and Musiri accumulated a lot of wealth from the long distance trade which was used to build strong states in Africa.