Syllabus For Pre & Primary Education New Curriculum - English Medium
Welcome to our website In this article are you looking for New Curriculum And Syllabus For Pre-Primary Education, Curriculum and sylabus for Pre-primary Teacher Education, TIE Primary Education Curriculum for English Medium Schools,
Tanzania adopted new Curriculum for Pre-primary Education – the 2023 Edition. The Curriculum for Pre-primary Education was prepared following the 2014 Education and Training Policy, the 2023 Edition, stakeholders’ opinions collected and analysed from 2021 to 2022, and the review of written documents to gain experience from other countries.
Moreover, this Curriculum follows the vision of education which focuses on preparing an educated Tanzanian with knowledge, skills and positive attitudes and who values equality, justice and lifelong education to bring sustainable national and international development.
Likewise, this Curriculum considers the main objectives of education as well as the objectives of Pre-primary Education. Considering these, this Curriculum has set standards for providing education at Pre-primary level by specifying the knowledge, skills, and attitudes the child will develop, general competences, main learning areas, main and specific competences, and teaching and learning methods.
Moreover, the Curriculum has specified the duration that will be used in the implementation, the language of learning and teaching, teaching and learning resources and methods of assessing the progress of the child in terms of developing competences.
Likewise, the Curriculum has specified the academic and professional qualifications for the teacher, who is the main implementer of the Curriculum at the school level.
Syllabus For Pre & Primary Education New Curriculum - English Medium
Primary Education Syllabus Standard I - II
Mathematics Syllabus for Primary Education Standard III - VI
French Syllabus for Primary Education Standard III - VI
English Syllabus for Primary Education Standard III - VI
Geography Syllabus for Primary Education Standard III - VI
Sports and Arts for Primary Education Standard I - VI
Muhtasari wa Somo la Historia ya Tanzania na Maadili Darasa la III - VI
Science Syllabus for Primary Education Standard III - VI