In both cases the major means of production were controlled by the feudal lords; land for example was controlled by the feudal lords. For the peasants to use it they had to pay rent such as rent in kind, where they had to give part of the produce to the feudal lords for using their lands. There were also rent in labor, where the peasants had to work on the land lords for specified period of time.

In both cases feudalism was characterized by the existence of trading activities. In Africa there was the long distance trade which was conducted between the people of interior and coastal people of east Africa. In Europe there was mercantilism which involved conducting trade oversea searching for precious metals such as gold and silver.

In both cases feudalism was characterized by the use of improved productive forces though the productive forces in Europe were more advanced than those in Africa. The use of better tools for production contributed to higher levels of production.

In both cases feudalism was characterized by the exploitation of man by man. The peasants were exploited through the payment of rent. The peasant did not have land, thus they had to use the land of the landlords but they had to pay rent, such as rent in kind and rent in labor. It should be noted that, landlord took a bigger share than the peasants who were directly involved in the production process.

In both cases feudalism was characterized by the existence of large political system such as states. The formation of states was due to surplus accumulation that supported increase in population thus forming states such as Buganda in east Africa and Spain in Europe.


Feudalism in Europe took place between the 9th and 14th centuries while in Africa it took place between the 15th and 19th centuries, thus feudalism in Europe was stronger than in Africa. At the time when feudalism was emerging in Africa, it was ending in Europe paving way for the rise of capitalism.

Feudalism in Europe was characterized by progressive technology while in Africa it was characterized by low levels of technology. In Europe, by the 15th they had developed the art of ship building which enabled them to conduct trading activities abroad.

Feudalism in Europe emerged directly from slavery while in Africa, most of the societies transformed from the communal mode of production. This explains why the slave mode was not well developed in Africa.

In Europe feudalism was characterized by a strong class structure and class struggle. There were two dominant classes which were antagonist to each other; these classes are the feudal lords and peasants. There was also class of the serfs. In Africa there were no sharp distinctions between these classes.

Feudalism in Europe was characterized by development of cottage industries which were later transformed into big capitalist industries while in Africa there were handcraft industries such as salt making and iron working.

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