Selform: Jinsi ya Kubadili Combination Form Five 2025/2026

Selform: Jinsi ya Kubadili Combination Form Five 2025/2026

Kubadili Combination Form Five 2025/2026 Kubadili Combination 2025/2026 SelForm (Self Form) | Since 1961, TAMISEMI has been an independent Ministry, Ministry under the Office of the Prime Minister and in the Office of the President as it is now. The decision was made to strengthen the performance of this Office.

TAMISEMI is the only Ministry whose Headquarters started in Dodoma since the beginning of the seventies since the Government announced that the Government Headquarters is Dodoma and in Dar es Salaam there has been a small Office.

The presence of the Headquarters in Dodoma was aimed at providing equal opportunities to its main stakeholders, especially the Regions and Local Government Authorities to reach Dodoma easily when they follow various services.

The purpose of the existence of Local Governments is to transfer Powers to the Citizens, which originates from the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania of 1977 in Chapter 8, Article 145 and 146.

TAMISEMI is responsible for Coordinating the Management and Operation of Primary and Secondary Schools in the country through Local Government Authorities.

TAMISEMI Released Form Five selection for 2023/2024, to all qualified students with a Division I to III from the Form four certificate of secondary education examination-with balanced combination of subjects such as HGL, PCB, EGM, CBG, HKL,PCM, PGM etc.

What are the reasons For Students to change Form Five combination?

Many Form Five students in Tanzania want to know how to change their subject combination (kubadili combination form five 2024) before they start Form Five. 

There are several reasons why students may decide to change their subject combination, such as:

Sometimes, students might want to change subject combination after they have been allocated to a school and a subject combination by the TAMISEMI. There could be various reasons for this, such as:

1. Some students are not happy or satisfied with the subject combination or the school that they have been assigned to.

2. Some students have discovered a new interest or passion that is not aligned with their current subject combination.

4. Some students have changed their mind or goals about their future career or education plans, and they need a different subject combination to pursue them.

5. Some students have realized that the subject combination that they have chosen is too difficult or challenging for them, and they need a more suitable one for their abilities and skills.

6. Some students have encountered some personal or family issues that affect their ability or willingness to continue with their current subject combination or school.

Eligibility Criteria and the Deadline

The first step is to check if you are eligible to change your subject combination, and if you are within the deadline to do so. 

The eligibility criteria and the deadline are announced by the TAMISEMI every year, and they may vary depending on the availability of the subject combinations and the schools. 

Generally, the eligibility criteria are based on the following factors:

1. To change your subject combination (kubadili combination form five 2025), you must have completed secondary school with a grade C or higher in all the subjects required for the new combination. For instance, if you want to switch from HGL to EGM, you must have a C grade or above in basic mathematics and geography.

2. You must also meet the cutoff point for the subject combination that you want to change to. The cutoff point is the minimum score that you need to qualify for a certain subject combination.

3. Additionally, the school that you have been allocated to must offer the new subject combination that you want to take, and it must have enough space to accommodate you. 

5. The school’s admission capacity is the maximum number of students that it can enroll for each subject combination.

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