Ratiba ya Mtihani wa Darasa la Saba (PSLE) 2025/2026 PDF
Welcome to our website darasahuru.ac.tz. In this article, are you looking for Tanzania PSLE Time Table 2025/2026, NECTA: Ratiba ya Mtihani Darasa la Saba – PSLE, Standard Seven Exams (PSLE) Exam Dates 2025/2026, Standard Seven Time Table 2024/2025.
Get the latest information about NECTA Standard Seven (PSLE) Examination time table for the academic year of , we have created the some of the latest information about Standard Seven Exams (PSLE).
Ratiba ya Mtihani wa Darasa la Saba (PSLE) 2025/2026 PDF
1. Make sure you have the 2025 Exam Timetable prepared by the Tanzania Examination Council.
2. Make sure that you read the name of the subject on the relevant envelope and confirm that the subject is the one that should be done at that time according to the Exam Schedule.
3. Before opening the envelope, ask the Candidate to read aloud the name of the subject written on the envelope to confirm that it is the relevant subject according to the schedule.
4. If there is a conflict between the instructions contained in the Test Paper and the Test Schedule, the instructions contained in the relevant Test paper will be followed.
5. Candidates with Special Needs (Blind, Visually Impaired, Deaf) should be given an EXTRA TIME OF 20 MINUTES PER HOUR for Mathematics subject and 10 MINUTES PER HOUR for other subjects.
6. Candidates with LOW VISION should be given Exam papers with enlarged text, prepared by the Tanzania Examination Council for their use.
7. Candidates should be directed;
(a) Entering the Exam room half an hour before the Exam time and those who are late for more than half an hour after the Exam starts will not be allowed.
(b) Follow all the instructions given by the Exam administrators.
(c) Write the number of the Test correctly.
(d) Not to communicate verbally or in any way between them. If the Candidate has a problem, he should reach out to ask for help from the Exam administrator.
(e) Not engaging in cheating in the exam as those who engage in it will have their results cancelled.
Ratiba ya Mtihani wa Darasa la Saba (PSLE) 2025/2026 PDF