NECTA New Grading System Standard Four National Assessment (SFNA) - Mfumo Mpya wa Kutunuku Matokeo By NECTA
The Standard Four National Assessment (SFNA) is a formative evaluation which intends to monitor pupils’ learning in order to provide feedback that teachers, students and other educational stakeholders can use to improve teaching and learning.
NECTA New Grading System Standard Four National Assessment (SFNA) - Mfumo Mpya wa Kutunuku Matokeo By NECTA
The Board of Examinations has conducted a Review of Grades, Scores, Proficiency Levels and the use of Continuous Marks (CA) in the assessment and examination of Primary, Secondary and Teacher education and made improvements based on the improvements made in the Education and Training Policy of the year 2014 edition for 2023 and updated Curriculum for 2023. Utaratibu wa kutunuku matokeo ya mitihani ya taifa, Alama Za Ufaulu Shule Za Msingi
Standard Four National Assessment (SFNA)
The grade of success and the achievement of marks will be used to process the student's results based on six (06) subjects out of seven (07) subjects he/she passed well. Thus, grading and scoring will be considered a total of 300 marks. (Upimaji wa Kitaifa wa Darasa la Nne (SFNA) na Darasa la Sita (SSNA)
NECTA New Grading System Standard Four National Assessment (SFNA) - Mfumo Mpya wa Kutunuku Matokeo By NECTA