NECTA New Grading System Form Six National Examination (ACSEE) - Mfumo Mpya wa Kutunuku Matokeo By NECTA
The Board of Examinations has conducted a Review of Grades, Scores, Proficiency Levels and the use of Continuous Marks (CA) in the assessment and examination of Primary, Secondary and Teacher education and made improvements based on the improvements made in the Education and Training Policy of the year 2014 edition for 2023 and updated Curriculum for 2023. Utaratibu wa kutunuku matokeo ya mitihani ya taifa, Alama Za Ufaulu Shule Za Msingi
Form Six National Examination (ACSEE)
The grade of success and the achievement of marks will be used to process the candidate's results in the Sixth Form Examination (ACSEE) based on three (03) special subjects and the calculation of the Final Mark will consider the Continuous Mark (CA) and the mark obtained by the candidate in the examination National with a ratio of 30:70; where 30 percent are Continuous Marks (CA) from school and 70 percent are National Examination Marks (FE).
The analysis of grades of success, achievement of marks and proficiency levels and CA marks are as shown in Table No. 14 to 16.
A. Achievement Grades, Attainment Scores and Proficiency Levels
B: Achievement Grades, Points Reach and Mastery Levels
NECTA New Grading System - Mfumo Mpya wa Kutunuku Matokeo By NECTA