Mwenge Catholic University(MWECAU) Online Application System
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MWECAU Admission 2024/2025 / Mwenge Catholic University (MWECAU) Application Form | MWECAU Online Application form 2024/2025
MWECAU Online Application/Admission 2024/2025. Mwenge Catholic University(MWECAU) is hereby inviting Applications for various Postgraduate Degree Programmes, Undergraduate Courses, Certificate and Diploma Courses for the academic year . All applications are processed online through MWECAU Website.
The Mwenge Catholic University, formerly Mwenge University College of Education, is a university which is under the Tanzania Episcopal Conference of the Roman Catholic Church, located in Moshi, Tanzania.
MWECAU Mission Statement
The mission of the University is “to produce professionally competent, innovative, and committed graduates who are grounded on professional excellence and moral integrity for provision of quality services to Tanzanian and the global community
MWECAU Vision Statement
Vision is to be a “leading University that sets a national, regional, and international example in Education and Training, Research, and Consulting as well as Community Service.”
MWECAU Core Values
- Integrity
- Trust
- Excellence
- Accountability
- Respect
- Teamwork
- Service
MWECAU Motto/ Slogan
The University is dedicated to St. Joseph the Worker, with the motto ‘‘Lux Mundi’’ which translates in English to “Light of the World.”
MWECAU Online Application System 2024/2025 - Mwenge Catholic University
Step 1 : Read Application Requirements
Before starting registration, Please click this link to read University Admission Guideline TCU Requirements
Prepared the following documents and details
i. For Applicants with ACSEE Awarded from NECTA
- You are required to have a valid and working personal email address.
- You will use your form IV Index number and Form VI Index number for verifications of your education results
ii. For Applicants with Foreign Certificate of ACSEE as entry qualifications
- Applicant with O-Level Certificate (CSEE) : Scanned original O-Level Education Certificate in PDF or Image
- Applicant with A-Level Certificate (ACSEE): Scanned original O-Level and A-Level Education Certificate in PDF or Image
- You are required to have a valid and working personal email address and mobile number.
- Applicant Verification Number (AVN) from NACTE Awards Verification System (Apply Here for AVN))
- You are required to have a valid and working personal email address and mobile number.
Step 2 : Self Registration
Click on the Do Self Registration button at the left side to start. Your Form Four Index Number will be used as your username and make sure you remember your password. Provide all your basic details (You must provide a valid email address and phone number) and then after saving system will redirect you to login page. Use your Form four Index Number and Password you created to login.
Step 3 : Updated Personal Information
This section require you to fill gender, marital status, and physical address.
Step 5 : Academic Information
In this section fill exams index numbers request. After submitting, If you studied in Tanzania you will see your results. Click continue to go to next step
Step 4 : Choose/Select Programme to Study
This section requires you to select three programmes of your choice.
Step 5 : Application Attachment
Upload all the required scanned original documents as listed in Step One.
Step 6 : Review & Submit your Application
Before you submit your application. You are required to review all of the Information for correctness. Edit to correct in case of any error. So be carefully to review and correct all information before submit.
Step 7 :Application Status
You can see your application status any time you login to your account