Historical sites As Source of History - Form One History Notes
Concept of sources of historical information
Historical knowledge is obtained through the examination of sources of historical information. One can obtain historical information from either primary or secondary sources.
Primary sources are original materials that provide first-hand information or direct evidence on a particular event. Primary sources are materials created by individuals directly involved in such events. Such materials include memos, diaries, letters, artefacts, photographs, interviews, speeches, autobiographies, and official records. In addition, secondary sources are a product of primary sources.
They are created by people who were not directly involved in the original events. Secondary sources analyse, interpret or comment on primary sources. Secondary source materials include books, reviewed articles, dissertations, articles in newspapers and academic papers.
There are various sources for obtaining historical information. These include oral sources, historical sites, written records, museums, archives, archaeology, historical linguistics, ethnographic records, and anthropology.
However, it is important to remember that none of these sources is self-sufficient. Each of them may be used together with other sources.
Historical sites
These are places where remains of past human activities and cultures are found.
They include remnants of ancient settlements such as buildings, dwelling caves and ruins from which various economic activities, drawings and paintings can be observed.
Famous historical sites in Africa include Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania, the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt, the Castle of Good Hope in South Africa, the Royal City of Meroe in Sudan, Churches of Lalibela in Ethiopia, Zanzibar Stone Town, and Fort Jesus in Mombasa-Kenya and the Old Oyo in Nigeria.
The picture below shows some of these historical sites in Africa.
Functions of historical sites
Historical sites provide information on past human activities.
They also provide proof of the level of knowledge and skills of people in the past.
Such knowledge and skills include rock paintings, architecture, ironwork, irrigation systems, hunting tools and food gathering routes.
In addition, historical sites act as places of entertainment for interested people.
Furthermore, they are used as sources of income through tourism.
Advantages of historical sites
Historical sites preserve evidence of ancient history as they contain different types of ancient information. For example, they show styles of buildings, utensils, working tools and settlement patterns. Some of the old buildings retain their original functions up to now.
Historical sites are also places for preserving ancient objects. These are protected areas with important historical objects. Historians study and interpret the historical objects found at the site and write the history of the people around the site. In Tanzania, these sites are conserved and maintained by trained personnel under the National Museum of Tanzania.
Furthermore, some of the historical sites attract local and foreign tourists. These tourists get ideas about the past by looking at ancient structures.
Likewise, historical sites are important for historical research. Researchers obtain useful information for doing research and writing history. In this regard, they use historical sites to complement information collected from other sources of history.
Historical sites preserve evidence of ancient history as they contain different types of ancient information. For example, they show us styles of buildings, utensils, working tools and settlement patterns.
An example of old buildings is the Great Mosque of Kilwa Kisiwani, as shown in in the following picture.
Some of the old buildings retain their original functions up to now. An example of such buildings is the old Roman Catholic Church at Bagamoyo which was built by early missionaries in 1872. It is still used today for worship and cultural tourism.
The church is shown in Picture Below:-
Historical sites are also places for preserving ancient objects. These are protected areas with important historical objects. In Tanzania, these sites are taken care of by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism through the Antiquities Department. Historians study and interpret the historical objects found at the site and write the history of the people around the site.
Some of the historical sites attract local and foreign tourists. These tourists get ideas about past life by looking at ancient structures. Examples of historical sites that are famous tourist destinations in Tanzania are Zanzibar Stone Town, Kilwa, Bagamoyo, and Olduvai Gorge.
All historical sites are important for historical research. Researchers obtain useful information for doing research and writing history. In this regard, they use historical sites to complement information collected from other sources of history.
Limitations of historical sites
Historical sites are likely to be destroyed or damaged. Some of them disappear entirely due to natural and human factors. Natural factors include rainfall, earthquakes, wind, the sun's heat and floods. Human factors include wars, construction of various infrastructure, vandalism, grazing, and farming.
In addition, some historical sites are located in remote areas that are difficult and expensive to visit by road and other means of transportation.
Furthermore, historical sites are costly in terms of preservation and management. Professionals or experts should manage these sites.
They are susceptible to destruction or damage. Some of them disappear completely. This may be caused by natural and human factors. Natural factors include rainfall, earthquakes, wind, the sun's heat and floods. Human activities include war, construction, vandalism, grazing, and farming.
Some sites are located in remote areas where it is difficult and expensive to visit by roads and other means of transportation. The ancient irrigation system at Engaruka is a good example of such sites.
They are costful in terms of preservation and management. A professional or expert is needed to manage these sites.
Draw a sketch map of East Africa indicating five historical sites in Tanzania, four in Kenya, and three in Uganda.
Draw a sketch map of Tanzania, and show the regions in which the following historical sites are found:
(i) Kalambo Falls
(ii) Olduvai Gorge
(iii) Isimila
(iv) Mikindani
(v) Bagamoyo