Food and Human Nutrition Syllabus for Ordinary Secondary Education Form 1- 4
Food and Human Nutrition is a compulsory subject for Form I–IV students in the General Education pathway who choose to join either Sports or Food and Human Nutrition streams.
The purpose of learning this subject is to provide a strong background in the principles underlying the food and nutrition, that will serve as a tool for improving nutrition status in society and thus enhance family health and well-being.
The subject further equips the students with knowledge and skills on nutritional value of foods which is necessary for planning, preparing, cooking and eating a balanced meal.
The subject also intends to enable the students to solve health challenges by applying nutritional education in various context.
It is anticipated that the subject will serve as a tool to enable students to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to take care of themselves, their families and the society. In this regards, learning Food and Human Nutrition will enable a student to join the world of work by engaging in various entrepreneurial activities.
This syllabus is designed to guide the teaching and learning of Food and Human Nutrition at Ordinary Secondary Education, Form I–IV in the United Republic of Tanzania.
What is a Syllabus
A syllabus is a document that outlines everything that will be covered in a class. It is a document that contains all of the important details regarding a school or college courses.
It is a document that outlines all the essential information about a college course. It lists the topics you will study, as well as the due dates of any coursework including tests, quizzes, or exams.
Why Your Syllabus Is Important?
Your syllabus gathers all the vital information about your class in one place. Therefore Syllabus will help you to:
1. Be organized.
2. Observe deadlines
3. Get ready for class.
4. Recognize assignments
5. Be aware of your grade.
6. Control your time.
7. Engage with students and/or learners
Food and Human Nutrition Syllabus for Ordinary Secondary Education Form 1- 4