Eastern Africa Statistical Training Centre (EASTC) Online Application

Welcome to our website darasahuru.ac.tz, in this article you will find Eastern Africa Statistical Training Centre (EASTC) Online Application, How to apply EASTC Online, EASTC Fee structure, EASTC Joining Instructions The Eastern Africa Statistical Training Centre (EASTC) as a professional institution, right from its conceptualization, had its ‘regional roots’ way back in the year 1961.
The archive at the Centre reveals that in July 1961 in Tunis (TUNISIA), the Second Conference of African Statisticians noted that it “was necessary to establish a number of training centres to provide theoretical and particular courses” in Africa to respond to the increased demands on statistical services, given the fact that there was an acute shortage of both middle-grade and professional statisticians. The Conference also noted that training professional statisticians is a highly specialized task, which can be undertaken only by well-established colleges.
Let Us first and foremost take this opportunity to warmly welcome you to the Eastern Africa Statistical Training Centre (EASTC). EASTC is a regional institution based in Tanzania offering statistical training to students from nineteen Eastern and Southern African countries.
It was established in 1965 with three objectives:
- To improve the capabilities of the user countries to produce and use statistical data that is needed for evidence-based decision making;
- To upgrade the capacity level of NSOs in assessing and planning the development of their people and the economies of the countries, and
- To train personnel involved in the production dissemination and usage of the statistical information.
Before Starting the application process, please read the entry qualification your intending to study at EASTC
1. Create account by clicking the link available at the sign in form
2. Once you have created the application account, please use the username and password you supplied during the account creation process to sign in.
Note : Please don' t create new application account once you already have.
3. Once you sign in you will find the Button to Request the control Number for Application Fee Payment.
Pay EASTC Application Fee through
For Foreigners must pay application Fee through:-
EASTC-CRDB A/C 0250396002400
After conducting payment, you can proceed with other application processes
4. Password Reset: If you have Forgotten your password you can request Rest