Civics O'Level Study Notes Form 1, 2, 3, & 4 All Topics
Civics O'Level Study Notes Form 1, 2, 3, & 4 Civics Notes - All Topics, O’Level Civics Form 1 2 3 4 Notes - Tanzania, Civics Form Four Full Notes, Civics Notes Form Four
Civics is the study of theoretical and practical aspects of citizenship, their rights and duties to each other and to the Government.
It involves the study of people’s way of life including political and cultural aspects such as education processes, religion, election processes, customs and language.
It aims at providing people with important skills like leadership skills among many others.
Civics is all about people’s political, social and cultural life.
Civics O'Level Study Notes Form 1, 2, 3, & 4 All Topics
To view this notes of form four civics notes please click on link bellow for each topic