Plays Books Analysis Form 5 & 6 Advanced Level

Plays Books Analysis Form 5 & 6 Advanced Level 

Plays analysis, Play books analysis PDF, Download Full Notes Advanced Level Plays analysis. Play is a work of art is written for the purpose of being acted on stage. Another scholar has defined drama as story telling that uses actors / actress  before people’s eyes.

A person who compose / writes a play is called a PLAYWRIGHTS


– When in scripts, drama shows its setting through stage direction which tell the readers when and where something happened. It also shows where and when characters enter and leave, and it shows different mood of characters

– Drama must have dialogue. ie conversation or speech of two or more characters speaking to each other.

– A play must have a conflict that makes it going. These conflicts passes through stages such as exposition, rising action (complication/ confrontation), Climax (point of no return ) , falling action, resolution (denouement / deinu: mo/

– Most modem plays have elements of realism that means what an artist say/do related to everyday experience.

– The stages of a play have something that characterizes the mood of the play. Normally a song that is sung all over the play is to affect the emotional of the viewers or readers. The choice of tithe song will depend on the subject matter of the play.

– Plays have many theories like novels do.

Plays Analysis Advanced Level - Form 5 & 6 Books Analysis

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