Novels Books Analysis Advanced Level - Form 5 & 6

Novels Books Analysis Advanced Level - Form 5 & 6

Here you will find books analysis for english language, advanced level english language ii books, analysis of novels for advanced level english.

Novel is a long work of prose from fiction that contains character in the form of plot normally presents life basing an history and culture of the society in which it is set. 

It also defined as A long narratives in which characters and events are imaginary.


– Novels are presented in narrative form

– They are written in chapters unlike plays which are Written in acts and scenes and poems which are written in stanzas and verses.

– Navels are meant to read silently, quite contrary from plays which are meant to be performed on stage or poems to be sang.

– A novel has a point of view ie the angle from which the story is told.

Novels Analysis Advanced Level - Form 5 & 6 Books Analysis

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