Form Six Registered School Candidates (ACSEE) May 2025 Important Instructions To Consider

Welcome to our website, In this article, are you looking for Form Six Registered School Candidates (ACSEE) May 2025 Important Instructions To ConsiderImportant Instructions To Consider For Form Six Registered School Candidates (ACSEE) May 2025, NECTA Maelekezo Muhimu Kwa ACSEE 2025 School Candidates, NECTA Tanzania has released very important instructions for all expect to sit or register for ACSEE 2025.

The National Examinations Council of Tanzania (NECTA) is Government Institution which was established by the Parliamentary Act No. 21 of 1973.

NECTA is responsible for the administration of all National Examinations and Assessments in Tanzania.

Important Instructions To Consider For Form Six Registered School Candidates (ACSEE) May 2025

Every Principal/Head Of School/Center must consider the following instructions in order to complete the registration exercise for School Candidates for the Sixth Form Examination (ACSEE) in May 2025:

1. Form Six Candidates 2025

The Principal/head of school or center should ensure that the candidate's information is correct in the following aspects:

(i) Correct Form Four exam number of the candidate and the year he/she sat for the exam.

(ii) He should have studied for not less than two years since he obtained the qualification of Form Four.

(iii) The candidate has never been registered and taken the ACSEE exam in previous years.

(iv) Candidate's studies should not be less than Four and not more than Six.

(v) Correct date of birth of the candidate.

(vi) Vision of the candidate, visually impaired (BR), Low Vision (L.V) etc.

(vii) How the candidate.

(viii) Telephone numbers of parents and guardians.

(ix) Examination fee for private schools.

(x) Make sure the registration data form (CS3) its information is similar to what is there
on Printout.

4. Payment of Fees for School candidates

Principals of all private schools are required to ensure that ACSEE 2025 candidates pay the due fees on time. The exam fee will be paid using the Control Number.

(i) Fee payment will be Tshs. 50,000/= for those who register during the regular period, that is between 01/07/2023 to 30/09/2024. 

For those who will pay after 30/09/2024, they will be required to pay fees and fines at the rate of Tshs. 65,000/= for the period between 01/10/2024 to 31/10/2024, Tshs. 80,000/= from 01/11/2024 to one day before the start of the Exam and Tshs. 100,000/= after the Exam starts. A candidate who takes the Examination without paying the fee will have his result withheld.

(ii) Payment of fees for all candidates should be made jointly by the Principal using the control number and should be made through NMB, NBC or CRDB bank.

(iii) The Principal should show the candidates who have paid the fee by filling in the amount they paid on the "Entry form" and also put amark in the boxes in the first column on the left on the page that shows registered candidates after entering the registration system. In addition, click on the green shaded option on the right side of the page under the words Link Fees.

6. Each Principal will take pictures of the candidates of his center using a Smart Phone or Kishikwambi after registration.

The steps to photograph students using the PReMS Mobile App System are as follows;

(i) Download PReMS Mobile App from Play store.

(ii) On the list of students (Qualified students) of the relevant Form, click on the menu in front of the name of the student you want to take a picture of (the menu is marked with three dots)

(iii) Click edit (edit) to open the page to take a photo or edit the information of the Student/Candidate

(iv) Click on the Camera symbol if it is the first time to use the Camera on this system, accept the request for permission to allow the Camera and the storage device (internal storage) to be used by this application.

(v) Take a picture of the student and then click the green icon to accept the picture.

(vi) Submit by clicking the Save button. The program will give a message to show that the image has been submitted.

(vii) To satisfy yourself that the photos are fully uploaded, you will use the standard system "PReMS web" to check your photos if they are correct for the issuance of photo entry.

8. Communication with NECTA regarding Registration

Communication regarding the candidates will take place between the Principals and Tanzania Examinations Council only. The Board of Examinations will not allow direct communication between students or student representatives without going through the Principals.

9. After the registration is completed, the Registration documents (entryform, photoentry, paid Control Numbers papers, CS3, etc.) for the Sixth Form should be submitted to the Tanzania Examination Council before or by 30/09/2024.

Form Six Registered School Candidates (ACSEE) May 2025 Important Instructions To Consider

Important Instructions To Consider For Form Six Registered School Candidates (ACSEE) May 2025

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