LETTER WRITING: Friendly Letter, Official Letter & Letter to the Editor

LETTER WRITING: Friendly Letter, Official Letter & Letter to the Editor

Welcome to our site darasahuru.ac.tz. In this article, you will find Letter writing in different types of letter such as Application letters, Business letters, Social letters/friendly and Letter to the editor.

What is a letter?

A letter is a piece of hand writing or printed text addressed to a recipient and sent by mail.


A letter is a writing or printed message normally sent by post in an envelope.

Therefore letter writing is the process of exchanging information, ideas and feelings through writing. 

By letter writing, friends, family members, relatives, co-workers, subordinates, bosses and government officials can communicate effectively.

There are different types of letters: These are such as social letters, business letters, application letters, letters to the editors, Complaint letters, etc. All these and other types of letters perform different roles. 


1. Application letters.

2. Business letters.

3. Social letters/friendly.

4. Letter to the editor.

LETTER WRITING: Friendly Letter, Official Letter & Letter to the Editor

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